
Tongue-tie Treatment

Changing the way you live and breathe.

What Is Ankyloglossia?

Tongue-tie is a condition present at birth that restricts the tongues range of motion. It is defined as an unusually short, thick or tight band of tissue (lingual frenulum) that tethers the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth.

Why Do We Look For It?

The normal resting position of the tongue is on the palate. In addition to being a source of comfort, the tongue on the palate begins to ‘shape’ and widen the mouth, jaw and even facial features.

A “tied” tongue which is unable to rest on the palate may result in devastating oral and health consequences such as:

  • Narrow and collapsed jaws, which leads to crowding of the teeth
  • Speech and chewing difficulties
  • Poor dental health
  • Breathing disorders (such as sleep apnea)
  • Sleep deprivation, behavior problems and emotional stress
  • Clicking/popping/pain in the jaw-migraines


Babies: Frenotomy- a simple procedure, where no medication is needed, to clip the attachment of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This aids in the ability to breastfeed, breathe and develop.

Children and Adults: Frenulectomy- a non-invasive surgical procedure, typically completed with numbing gel and a laser, to release the attachment of the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Patients are then instructed to complete oral exercises to re-train the tongue and mouth.

Treatment benefits for children and adults can be astounding. They may include reduction or elimination of air way disorders, such as sleep apnea, reduction of facial and dental deformities, and relief from headaches and TMJ pain.

What Are Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders?

An Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) can simply be defined as a disorder that impacts the muscles, movements, and functions of the face and mouth. An OMD can present itself in a multitude of ways, including:

  • Consistently breathing through the mouth
  • Abnormal speech patterns
  • Challenges forming certain sounds 
  • Limited tongue mobility
  • Difficulty closing lips to swallow 
  • Messy chewing due to abnormal tongue movements
  • Abnormal overbite or underbite
  • Inability to rest the tongue on the roof of the mouth

What Causes How Big Of A Deal Are Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders – Really??

While the list of signs and symptoms associated with Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders may not seem alarming in and of themselves, OMDs can lead to lifelong problems. Even slight deviations from normal face and mouth movements can result in prolonged difficulties such as:

  • Delays in speech and communication 
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Misaligned teeth and jaws
  • Bad breath 
  • Sleep apnea
  • Snoring
  • Difficulties with chewing and swallowing 
  • Stomach pain and discomfort linked to poor digestion
  • Hyperactivity/ADHD linked to mouth breathing

Can Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders Be Corrected?

Yes, and you’ve come to the right place! One of the biggest challenges with OMDs is that they are often under-recognized. Although modern science is making modern dentists more aware of the issues tied to OMDs, there are still too many dental professionals that aren’t trained in myofunctional therapy and, therefore, don’t fully understand it. The good news is that we do.

Our dental team is passionate about helping individuals and families impacted by orofacial myofunctional disorders by offering extensive myofunctional therapy as a part of comprehensive dental care. Throughout the process of receiving oral therapy, the patient can expect personalized care and results that lead to an improved quality of life.

What Is Myofunctional Therapy, And Who Needs It? 

Any child or adult who has received a diagnosis for an OMD or suspects that they have problems associated with an OMD should talk to a dentist about receiving myofunctional therapy. The simple process provides you with much-needed insight and support throughout the process of learning new habits and re-training your brain as you teach your face and mouth muscles to perform new, healthier tasks. Small steps taken with dedication and perseverance can go a long way in improving your overall appearance and well-being.

Although we encourage parents of small children to begin the process of myofunctional therapy as early in life as possible, we also emphasize the fact that it’s never too late to start getting help. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team can work with patients of all ages to make positive changes for life. 

What Can I Expect From Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy requires a cooperative relationship between the patient and the dentist. While the dentist lends their expertise, the patient must be willing to put in the work to correct his or her disorder. Here’s what to expect throughout the process: Evaluation – Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders are very personalized. As such, your dentist will need to offer a comprehensive evaluation of your facial and mouth movements, taking any difficulties you or your child may be having with speech, breathing, chewing, swallowing, etc. 

  • Plan of Action : After evaluating your specific needs, your dentist should carefully put together a plan for how to treat your condition and restore your muscles to proper functionality.
  • Regular Sessions : Generally, myofunctional therapy will take place over the course of twelve weeks. This, of course, may vary depending on the severity of the condition. The patient must be committed to making regular appointments and working honestly with the dentist on exercises designed to restore proper movement to the face and mouth muscles.
  • Homework : Beyond meeting for weekly or bi-weekly sessions with the dentist, a patient undergoing myofunctional therapy will need to dedicate time to continuously practice the exercises introduced in therapy sessions. This is an essential component of re-training the brain and developing new habits.
  • Communication : Communication should always be a priority while undergoing myofunctional therapy. If, at any time, the patient has concerns that an exercise is not improving his or her condition or that their goals are not being met, they must be able to speak freely with their dentist in order to modify the plan.
  • Re-assessment : Myofunctional therapy should involve working toward specific goals and benchmarks. Therefore, the patient must be re-evaluated at set intervals to make a note of the progress being made.
  • Maintenance : Once goals have been reached, the patient must be dedicated to continuing the practice of learned exercises and new habits for life. We also suggest maintaining a good relationship with your dental therapist to continue to monitor for proper movement as a part of comprehensive dental care.

When Can I Begin Myofunctional Therapy?

If you suspect that you may have an orofacial myofunctional disorder, please schedule an appointment with our office immediately. We are also happy to offer a second opinion if you or your child have been diagnosed with an OMD by a different office. We will thoroughly evaluate your oral health along with your facial and mouth movements in order to develop a full picture of what may be needed for treatment. The sooner we are able to evaluate you, the faster we can begin myofunctional therapy and restore your mouth to full health. 

Do you have additional questions or concerns regarding orofacial myofunctional disorders or myofunctional therapy? Dr. Justine Chase studied orofacial myofunctional therapy extensively and, with the help of registered dental hygienist Lee, is able to treat OMDs in both children and adults. Reach out to learn more about our therapy and to schedule a consultation today.

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